
September 07, 2013

The Homestead Journal ~ Week 94 ~ Back into Blogging

I hope to keep up with things now. I really missed blogging regularly. 
Our garden has has numerous setbacks, but is still thriving. Hey, as long as I got tomatoes, I am happy! 
This is  are our ONE beefsteak that grew.

one of our many obsticles, blister beetles.. Lucas is on pest control. Quinten picked as many as he could off, Lucas sprayed the plants with dish soap and water. He was more than happy to help! And he likes to garden in the buff... Back to nature! 

I moved this guy to the other side of the property.. well I threw him he went pretty far.. his little friend got to stay, he was a host for a bracnoid wasp.. we learned last year these little wasps are beneficial, so we let them stay, since he was using the worm for a host ;) 
squishy, squishy.... Ezra was having fun in the mud!
we have watermelon and cantaloupe. they aren't very big, but they are growing!

our garden haul for the day. 

Quinten making hummus,.The littles helping do laundry.... well, not sure helping is the right word! 
sleepy eater! 

Isaac  made these oatmeal cookie ice cream sandwiches. They were soooo yummy!!

The fort.. They slept in it most of the week! 

Me, Me 9/4/13

13 weeks pregnant
Jacob started seminary in one ward last year, but finished in another.. since he completed most of his requirements in the first ward, his seminary teacher made sure he received his award... Jacob loves seminary, but he was excited to have this beautiful statue. 

I have thought to make it before, but always forgot,. so today, 
I made Paula Deans House Seasoning
I made it for our fried okra! 
Quinten  made lunch.. The fish and okra were gifts from two separate people.. I gave him verbal instructions on how to make the fried okra, he did a great job following them. 

It came out great.. Urijah made it very clear the lunch Quinten made was "Yummy! Yummy! Yummy!"

Of course Isaac had to inspect the skeleton

For more updates, links and resources,  come check out our FB Page!

Linking up with these Blog Hops 

(I am looking for more blog hops, do you have one to share? ) 


  1. Ha! Ha! Love the laundry helpers!

  2. Love the meal turned science experiment. Great pictures of the garden.

  3. Your garden haul was mighty fine and the fish looked fabulous. I'll have to be brave and try some fried okra.

  4. I love the laundry helpers - so cute!! Great pics and garden harvest, too. Happy autumn to you! :)


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