
July 09, 2012

The Homestead Journal ~ Week 29 & 30~ Garden Success

Homestead Happenings
 Lucas turned 1 on the 25th of June. Hard to believe its been a year already. He has been perfecting his walking skills and prefers to walk. He has even tried his hand at running. He is so proud of himself. His vocabulary is also growing. I still love how he says "moo" when he talks to the cows.

Our garden is growing nicely. Its been in the triple digits so frequent trips to the creek have been on the list. I didnt have much for blogging these past two weeks.

 Link/Quote/Photo to share
This is a great website for readers up through 8th grade

Additional Photos of Our Week

Linking up with these Blog Hops 
Hip Homeschool Hop ButtonWeird Unsocialized HomeschoolersThe Homeschool Mother's Journal

1 comment:

  1. Your garden looks like it is doing well. I look forward to my garden next year. I'm working on composting right now and it's going really well.

    Stop by some time and say hello.


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