
June 11, 2012

The Homestead Journal ~Week 26~ Fun at the Creek

Homestead Happenings
We have had a great spring so far. We planted our garden in late March and just a few plants grew. We have a few corn, tons of lettuce and spinach, and some watermelon plants. We tilled really well and planted more seeds... this time only peas and squash sprouted.. I finally decided to start my square foot garden. The boys built me a 4x4 box and we planted some starters, tomatoes, peppers and zuccini. We hope to finish the garden with corn and plant more SFGs. 

We have also been working towards off grid living. We cut the electricity a few months ago. We are looking at a few systems to provide solar power,  but have not decided. We are taking advantage of the spring/summer to see what is a want, and what is a must.. We have done away with the fridge and freezer.. I do miss having a freezer, and hope to have ours run on solar, but for now, we are doing fine. However, we rarely used the fridge and I do not miss it. It now lives at a friends house. The washer is run once or twice a day as needed via the generator. I would consider a ringer washer, but for now its cost effective to use the elec one. We cook outside with wood or gas, and plan to do the same over the winter. We did  have plans for a solar cooker, but its stil a work in progress. We use battery and oil lighting. We do plug in a lamp when we do laundry in the evening. Hot water is the tricky thing. We currently get hot water the same way the Amish do, over a hot fire, however, for winter this may not work. As with heating, our winter plans lie in the hands of the homeowner. Our hope is to have a wood stove, but it may boil down to elec heat/hot water for the few cold months we need it... lets pray for the wood stove......

We have been working out the finer touches on some products for the Homestead Store. One of them is this easy to make is this Citrus All Purpose Cleaning Spray. Its easy, vinegar, orange peels, some essential oils if you choose and patience. I hope to have some items ready for the Farmers Market and other venues soon.

Homeschooling is still a part of our spring/summer routine. We are focusing on plant and insects studies and have incorportated a bird study unit. We are working through vocabulary words and math. We are also studying the Book of Mormon and ancient Egypt and Greece. 

Our Adventures
Sunday was 

My Favorite Thing This Week 
Our van beeps when you put it in reverse... When Ezra backs up his little car, he makes a beeping noise.. its hysterical

 Link/Quote/Photo to share

Additional Photos of Our Week

Linking up with these Blog Hops 
Hip Homeschool Hop ButtonWeird Unsocialized HomeschoolersThe Homeschool Mother's Journal


  1. I am very intrigued by you giving up the fridge. Do you guys not use milk and such? How do you handle food storage of fresh produce and meats? Being as we have 2 fridges and 2 chest freezers (yes power bill builders) I just don't know how we could keep stuff on hand. Even fresh fruit if not kept in the fridge here in the 100+ heat goes bad in less then a day. Please share more on how this works for you. Thanks.

  2. I wanted to know what can refrain from a bee in one's moving spirit so that's roughly it not who could not turn an punctilious answer.


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