
April 30, 2012

The Homestead Journal ~Week 20 & 21~ Enjoying Spring

What's New In Our Life
Joe was hired on at Walmart here in town. This means we get to spend an hour and a half more with him each workday and we save a ton on gas as its 400 less miles he has to travel each week. He is especially excited about his new position, working the inventory end of it. I cant recall the title but he has to make sure the inventory ordered and stock on the shelves works out. 

Homestead Happenings
I  have been struggling to get focus with this weather. Either its sleepy rainy weather or bright and sunny. We use the sunny days to school outside and lots of on hand learning.Our garden did not do so well and we are not sure if its the hard soil or the crappy weather we had or both. We will try again next week. We are working through ancient history and cross referencing with our scriptures. Isaac is working on his state self study and Abigail is doing the same with animals. Quinten is focusing on math and chemistry and Jacob is focusing on history and civics.  I hope to be able to post photos soon. I have tons!

Our Adventures 
We have been going down to the lake and the olders fish while the middles and littles play at the park. We have also been taking our family drives. Not as long of course but pretty just the same. Jacob went to a mini MTC and had a blast. The issionaries he was paired with said he did great and will make a great missionary. This past weekend Jacob went on a scout campout and canoe trip. We did get a call Friday night that Jacob hurt himself when he tripped on a stick. He want hurt too bad but we had a good laugh as it is now a tradition for Jacob to injur himself on campouts. He truly is a clumsy scout. 

On Our Bookshelf
Abigail has had her nose in horse books now that she has finished the Lemony Snicket series. We also checked out some great little books in a series called 1000 Facts on... Bugs, Dinosaurs, Planet Earth, Science and Technology. Isaac is now reading the Heros of History books Jacob was reading and Jacob is reading Being George Washington by Glenn Beck. its a great story about the general. Quinten is just reading science books on chemistry and nature. All of them a reading their scriptures. 

Challenges and acomplishments
Lucas is getting so big. He is cruising along walls and seems to hasve found a sense of humor as he laughs hysterically at certain things. He has also taken to trying to make words, although we have no clue which ones. 

Linking up with these Blog Hops Hip Homeschool Hop ButtonWeird Unsocialized HomeschoolersThe Homeschool Mother's Journal


  1. How exciting about Joe's new job! You'll save LOTS of $$$ on gasoline since it's much closer...and the family time is even better!

  2. I do look forward to seeing all your pictures. I've been missing them. I am amazed at the subjects your youngsters are interested in. Civics and Chemistry? Yeah!

  3. What happened to Tractor Supply?? Love reading about the kids, since I can't TALK to them. Just can't get on here on the phone. Love ya'll


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