
December 20, 2011

The Homestead Journal ~Week 2~ Festival of the Nativity

What We Are Learning
Zachary is a reader. Apparently he has been hiding it.. But he is pretty good. No real formal lessons this week. They are now into Beakman's World and we have some projects from the show to work on.

Our Adventures
We got to see a beautiful collection of Nativities. Our Church has this great Festival of the Nativity. The whole display was absolutely beautiful. These are a few of our favorites. 

What's New In Our Life
Joe's new job going great. He really likes it there and has great opportunity for advancement. We also got to spend time with some new friends. There is a running joke in our home, every time we go to the grocery store, we make a new friend.. This time it was a two-fer. Two great families we hope to get to know better. 

What We Are Reading
The children are still in the same book series. I need to start reading books, most of my reading seems to consist of blog posts and Facebook links. 

 Challenges/Accomplishments This Week
Back into schedules and systems. Trying to find what my family needs. What works one week doesn't the next.. or maybe I just need to be more consistent?! 

My Favorite Link/Quote/Photos

I just get a kick out of that face! 

1 comment:

  1. He's getting so big. He's a doll. I like these updates. Thanks.


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