
July 14, 2012

The Homestead Journal ~ Week 31~Kentucky Back Roads

Homestead Happenings
I sewed myself a new head covering. The one I had orginally made was a quick one to see how I liked it. I found out the flaws and corrected them. I will work on a post about why I chose to cover and what pattern I used for mine. I would like to do more sewing, I need to fix my machine, hand sewing is the pits!

I have to say I have been very happy with the off grid living. As I have posted before, this is more of a trial and error process, taking advantage of the good weather to test it all out. One thing I like best is the light, or lack of it. When I am working on a project that requires light, I prefer daylight. Indoor lighting strains my eyes. I have found that in the evenings, I have the nice ambience of a lantern or flashlight to rad by, but its far more relaxing at the end of the day. It takes some adjusting to schedules, but this is one area I actually prefer the lanterns.

We started ASL again this summer. We always start with alot of gusto, then fizzle out. Well the library is offering a class each Monday for the month of July.. It has motivated us. We also have a friend who's son is serving an ASL mission.. So writing to him will help hone our skills.

Speaking of skills, I am so blessed to have grooming skills. I have been having fun grooming part time this summer. However, I wish my gardening skills were just as good.. Our squash turned out to be cucumbers, and out tomatoes have blister beetles... one garden fail after another... well the cuckes are not a fail, just a change of pace

We had some good rain this week.. Well needed rain. On top of the blessing of cooler temps and water for our food, we had a few days of amazing skies. My camera doesnt do them justice, but you can check out the photos below.

We had a free swap at the church this week. I picked up a few items of clothing, and that inspired me to purge more. I pulled out 3 more totes of clothing from the house.. Its free for the taking. What"s left over gets doanted to the Young Womens yard sale at church.

Our Adventures
Not much by way of adventures this week, Joe and I are itching for a road trip...
Just wish gas was a bit cheaper! As you can see from the photo below, One of my favorite past times is driving down country roads with the window open, camera in hand.
On Our Bookshelf
The Little's Books 
Curious George

The Older's Books
The Boys are starting the Hardy Boys Series and
Abigail is knee deep into Nancy Drew

The Schooling Books
Jacob is reading Thomas Sowell's book Basic Economics
Isaac is reading human body books, he is fascinated with how the body works
I am reading A Well Trained Mind, rather scanning through it taking notes and I am readin John Stossels book No, You Can't.

My Favorite Thing This Week 
Lucas is trying so hard to be a big boy. Its just adorable, but my favorite was when I drove up from work the other day and he runs out onto the porch and waves hello. Melted my heart.
 Link/Quote/Photo to share

Additional Photos of Our Week

Linking up with these Blog Hops 
Hip Homeschool Hop ButtonWeird Unsocialized HomeschoolersThe Homeschool Mother's Journal


  1. NOW I see, Lucas DID get the birthday gift I sent! Nice to know!

  2. Great pictures of the landscape! I always enjoy your pictures. I also like the picture of your son holding the sleeping baby while he reads. Awesome!


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